New paper in arxiv
Paper “Spectrum of equivariant cohomology as fixed point scheme” with PhD student Kamil Rychlewicz is in arxiv:
Paper “Spectrum of equivariant cohomology as fixed point scheme” with PhD student Kamil Rychlewicz is in arxiv:
Lectures at ICTP December 5-6, 2022 Talks on youtube
The Hausel group at ISTA advertises for a post-doctoral position starting September 2023. The focus of the research group is geometry and topology of moduli spaces, geometric representation theory and related fields. The position is available for two years, with possibilities of extension to up to two further years, and comes with competitive salary and Read More …
The new round for the IST Bridge post-doctoral Fellowships is open. The deadline for applications is postponed to late November/ early December 2022. Apply through here.
Link to paper
Several of the talks of the Algebraic geometry and Numbery theory sections of the virtual ICM 2022 were delivered at ETH Zürich 11-14 July. The talk Tamás Hausel: Enhanced mirror symmetry for Langlands dual Hitchin systems is available on youtube.
Anton was a post-doc with us 2016-2017. He moved to the University of Vienna, where he is now an Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics and received an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2020. Congratulations to him!
With the proposal “Topology of open smooth varieties with a torus action” Kamil received a 2-year PhD student DOC fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), starting July 2022. This follows Anna Sisák’s successful application with proposal “Branes on hyperkähler manifolds” from last year. Congrats to both!
The proposal “Geometry at the tip of the global nilpotent cone” will be funded by the FWF 2022-2025. There will be post-doc positions funded by the grant, see more here: Here is the first paragraph of the abstract of the proposal. “Here we propose a circle of problems related to mirror symmetry of Lagrangian upward Read More …